10. Sınıflar 1. Dönem 3. İngilizce Yazılı Sınav Soruları Lise 2 İngilizce yazılı soruları

10. Sınıflar, 1. Dönem 3. İngilizce Yazılı Sınav Soruları
The Soldier
        A big battle was going on during the First World War. Guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about everywhere. After an hour of this, one of the soldiers decided that the fighting was getting too dangerous for him, so he left the front line and began to go away from the battle. After he had walked for an hour, he saw an officer coming towards him. The officer stopped him and said, “Where are you going?”
   “I’m trying to get as far away as possible from the battle that’s going on behind us, sir,” the soldier answered.
   “Do you know who I am?” the officer said to him angrily. “I’m your commanding officer.”
   The soldier was very surprised when he heard this and said, “My God, I didn’t realize that I was so far back already!”
 a) Read the text and answer the questions ( 8×2=16 points)
1- Whom did the soldier meet while he was going away from the battle? ………………………..…………………
2- Why did the soldier try to go away from the front line? …………………………………………………………..
3- Battle means:   a) fighting    b) army      c) officer   d) gun
4- Get means:          a) bring   b) take      c) escape   d) come
5- Firing means:   a) burning   b) shooting   c) starting   d) going
6- The soldier:      a) felt safe in the front line     b) did not feel safe in the front line.
                           c) was safely protected.      d) is very adventurous      
7-The commanding officer: a) did not like what the soldier was doing.         b) shouted at the soldier.
                          c) was surprised to see the soldier.                         d) liked what the soldier was doing
8-The text tells us that: a)officers are always next to their soldiers.      b) officers love the front line.                 c) officers are always far from the front line.    d) officers are very brave.    
b) Rewrite the following sentences (11×2=22 points)
1-I advise you to take notes during the lesson.(should)
2-The little boys are not given permission to play in the street.(let)
3- Nobody doesn’t open this old book.(passive)
4- Serhat had long hair last year, but his hair is very short now.(use)
5- Can you take your father’s car at the weekend? (allow)
6- Does the mechanic change the oil regularly? (passive)
7- After they publish daily newspapers, a newsboy delivers them.(passive)
8- When was this road opened by the prime minister? (active)
9- Can you pass the salt? (mind)
10- May I read your newspaper, please?(mind)
11-He checks all the answers.(passive)
c) Coplete the dialogue using suitable tenses.(16×1=16 points)
       I…………………(visit) quite a few cities since 2005. After my graduation high school in 2005, my parents…………………(send) me to Stanford University in California. After one year at Stanford my father …………………(agree) to let me…………………(go) to Sorbonne-France.
   It’s now 2008, and I……….…………………(be) in France for two years. At first, it was difficult for me to understand the French language, but I……………………(study) very hard, and little by little, I have learnt to speak French very well.  I like the French language. In fact, I …………………(like) it since I..…………………(be) in junior high school.
       Of course, my life………………(be) very busy since I…….………(come) to Europe. Last month, I……………(go) to Italy, and next month I………..…..………(go) to Spain. I think it ………………..(be) fantastic.     
    I………………………(complete) my studies next year and I expect I ………..……….. (go) back to Michigan.  However, I am sure that I…………………(miss) my friends in Europe.
d) Complete the sentences using direct or indirect speech. (23×1= 23 points)
1- A tourist asked,” Do you know the way to the museum?”
     A tourist asked me ………. I ………………… the way to the museum.
2- A policeman asked, “Who are you waiting for here?”
     A policeman asked the man ……………   he …………………….. for there.
 3- “Don’t touch the wet paint, children!”
     He warned the children  ……………..    …………… the wet paint.
 4- “I won’t go out tomorrow night because my grandmother is coming”
     Ahmet told Mehmet he ………………out ………………. .because his grandmother ………..  ………
 5- “Who can water the flowers when I’m away on holiday?”.
      Mother asked …………    …………..……the flowers when …………     …………… away on holiday.
6- “How does the photocopier work?”
      I asked the salesman  ……..…..    ……………………..    ………………………
7- The teacher asked why the students didn’t do their homework the previous night.
     The teacher: “   …………..……. you ………………….  your homework ………………….. .
8- Ali told his girlfriend that he would make a surprise for her.
    Ali: “ …………..   …………… make a surprise for  ………. .
e) Choose the correct item (12×2=24 points)
1- A: I really like this film. B: …………………..
    a) So do I       b) Neither do I       c) Neither I don’t   d) Either do I
2- The actress is practicing his role by …………..
a) herself       b) himself       c) themselves       d) yourself
3- A: Why are you so sad? Anything wrong?   B: My boss won’t ………… me take a day off.
   a) allowed      b) let to         c) let         d) allowed to
4- I have known her ………… her childhood.
   a) since      b) for         c) yet         d) to
5- Organization for the party has been ……………. .
   a) put in      b) put out      c) put off      d) put out
6- Most people in Türkiye can ……………. their salaries with difficulty.
   a) live in      b) live through      c) live up to      d) live on     
7- That old man ……………….. the difficult days just after 2nd World War.
   a) live in      b) live through      c) live up to      d) live on 
8- The population of Türkiye is …………………… day by day.
    a) decreasing   b) increasing      c) adding      d) reaching
9- ………………… to İstanbul is a serious problem for over population so it should be restricted.  
    a) mortality   b) migration      c) fertility      d) expanding
10- Asking the price before the meal is ………….. in a Turkish restaurant.
   a) impatient      b) patient      c) polite      d) impolite  
11- A ………….. entered the bank pointed a gun at me and said “ All money, now!”    
   a) worker      b) servant      c) thief         d) herbert
12- A: What does he look ……….. ?      B: He is plump and short but very good looking
   a) for      b) after         c) into         d) like
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