Classes :
This one way to refer to classes, and is perhaps more formal than using a plural
The tigger is threatened with extinction
National Groups
The spanish sleep more time than the French
Other groups
The Beatles
Unique objects.When use the when we know that there is only one of a particular thing :
The moon , the sun, the world, the North Pole
But note that there are other moon in universes for example
this planet has a small moon
The same applies to the following things when we refer to them in a general way
the weather, the climate, the human race, the future, the past, the sea, the sky, the wind , the atmosphere, the pubic

This tend to be “unique”
The director of administration
Other titles
When form part of the title
Newspapers : The Times
Musical instruments
I don’t like play the piano
Emphatic use
To emphasis the following noun
This room is the unique that has a jacuzzi in all the houses around this building.
Geographical names:
Rivers : The Ebro
Mountain ranges : The Alps, the Pyrinees
Oceans: the Pacific, the Mediterranean
Unique features : the Channel
Points areas : the East , the Middle East
Countries , collective or plural : The united kingdom
This does not apply to :
Mountains : Everest
Continents : Asia, Europe
Contries: France
The definite article is sometimes used before Lebanon and Gambia
Place names
Specially with of
The University of Cambridge
The tower of London
Most and the most
Most flats in Barcelona are very expensive (making a generalisation)
This is the most expensive flat in Barcelona (talking about a specific flat)
Importance of the context
The company has two meeting rooms. The big one is used for especific purposes, and and all people of company can come to talk.
We use the before a superlative adjective (the most cheaper, the smallest, etc) when the superlative adjective is followed by a noun or defining place
He is the most smart student in the class at the moment
We use the when we expect the listener or reader to be able to identify the thing or person we are talking about .
The bus is coming – this means that we were waiting this bus
We also with the when its clear from the situation wich person or thing we mean
The flower look beautiful on the table- the flower wich now I’m looking
In fictional writting , like novels, will often mention something for the first time with the to build up suspense .
The man open the door and looked at the house
The is often used with nouns before a phrase begining of /the of, and this conects to a particular thing or person
Music can help students learn the meaning of the words that want to express the compositor
Some words are commonly used to refer a particular place, time, etc.
In the middle of the conversation he started to laugh a lot
When we use the with a plural or uncountable noun , we’re talking about specific things or people
The books you wanted to read I lost them in the room hotel
We can use the with a singular countable noun to talk about the general features or characteristics of a class of things or people rather than one one specific thing or person
Nowadays the exams are found in both the house, and the school
We use the when there are two people with the same name and we want to specify wich one we’re talking about
Is the Smith I went to university the last year
We use the with adjectives refering to a general classes of people :
the blind, the deaf, the rich, the poor, the old, the young , the italian
With and adjective to describe a person or their job
The spanish writter Perez Reverte
The writter Ken Follet
When we talk about cinema, opera, or theatre in general or when we refer to a building where this type of entertaiment takes place we use the
I like to go to the theatre at least once a month
We ususally go to the theatre in Paral.lel street, because have good combination to arrive by bus
With winter, summer, spring, autumn and New Year (meaning the holiday period) , we can often use either the or zero article
In the summer I try to go to the beach every day
In Edinburgh they know a lot how to celebrate the New Year
We use the when is understood wich summer, spring, we mean
The first time I went to Istanbul, was in the winter of 2006
We say in the New Year , to mean at or near the beginning of the next year
I’ll talk with you again in the New Year
We use the and a/an in the usual way whe we talk about the morning/the afternoon/the evening of a particular day
We’re going to see our family in the evening
We use the with types of transport wich have a fixed timetable
Shall we get the bus or take a taxi?
Kaynak: www.englishpage.blogcu.com

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