ingilizce dilbilgisi – Konu : Prepositions – Edatlar

Edatlar (prepositions) cümle içinde, sözcükler ya da söz öbekleri
arasında anlam ilgisi kuran kelimelerdir. Bu sözcükler ile diğer
sözcükler arasındaki anlam ilgisi, hareket, zaman, uzam (yer)
ve mantık açısından kurulur.
Mesala; in, on, under, beside kelimeleri edatdır.
The dog is in the Garden (Köpek Bahçede).
The dog is on the wall (Köpek Duvarın Üstünde).
The dog is under the Hut (Köpek Kulubenin altında).
The dog is beside the hut (Köpek Kulubenin yanında).
 Yaygın kullanılan İngilizce edatların bazıları şunlardır:
above at by into toward
about before down like through
across behind during near under
after below except of until
against beneath for off up
along beside from on upon
among between in since with
around beyond inside to within
1. Hakkında: A book about chemistry. (Bu Kitap Kimya Hakkında)
2. Yaklaşık olarak: The Car is about ten million Usd. (Bu Araba 10 Milyon Dolar
1. Üzerinde: A tiny window above the door. (Duvarın Üzerinde Küçücük Bir Pencere Var. )
1. Bir uçtan diğer uca: Drew the curtain across the window. (Perdeyi Pencerenin bir
ucunda diğer ucuna çek)
2. Karşı taraf: There is a Market across the village. (Karşıki Köyde market var.)
1. Sonra (zaman): after 6 o’clock; after breakfast (Saat Altıdan Sonra – Kahvaltıdan
2. Sonra (dizi): B comes after A in the alphabet. (Alfabede B A’dan Sonra Gelir)
3. Ardından: The wolf run after the cat. (Kurt ineğin Ardından Koştu)
1. Karşı: Theft is against the law. (Hırsızlık Yasalara Karşıdır.)
2. Yaslanmak (destek): Vines trained against the wall (Üzüm Asması Duvara Dayandı)
1. Boyunca: He walked along the street. (Cadde Boyunca Yürüdü.)
1. Arasında (İkiden fazla şeyin): The valley nestled among high mountains.
(Vadi Dağların Arasındadır.)
1. Çevresinde: We ran around the buildings. (Binaların Çevresinde Koştuk)
2. çevreleyen: There is a fence around the garden. (Bahçenin Çevresinde
Çit Vardır)
3. Çeşitli yerler: I looked around the house for the keys.(Anahtar İçin Evin
Çeşitli yerlerine Baktım)
4. Geriye: We turned around and went back home.
5. Yaklaşık olarak: He is around six km tall.(O Yaklaşık 6 Km Uzaklıkta)
1. de, da (Yer): at the park (Parkta)
2. an (zaman): at 6 o’clock; at Christmas
3. an (durum): at peace; at war; at rest
4. etkinlik: at work; at home; at play
5. e doğru: Look at someone; wave at someone (Birisine Bakmak , Birisine
1. Önce (zaman): before four o’clock; before Christmas
2. Önce (dizi): Y comes before Z in the alphabet. (Alfabede Y Z’den Önce Gelir)
1. At the back of: The little girl hid behind her mother.
2. Late: I am behind in my work.
3. Cause; origin: Who was behind that idea?
1. Altında: below freezing; below sea level
2. Altında (sonra): Footnotes are provided below the text.
1. Altında: beneath the earth
1. Yanında, bitişiğinde (fiziksel): I sit beside her in class.
1. Ek olarak, -de, -da: We study other languages besides English.
1. Arasında (konum): Toronto lies between Montreal and Vancouver.
2. Arasında (zaman): between Christmas and New Year’s Day
3. Arasında (dizi): B comes between A and C in the alphabet.
4. Arasında (miktar): between five and ten people
5. Arasında (içinde): I was between two people.
1. Ötesinde: The mountains lie beyond the horizon.
2. Ötesinde (fazlalık): That was beyond my expectations.
1. den başka: I have read all but the last chapter.
1. Yakınında: a house by the sea
2. Yanından: He waved as he drove by the house.
3. Not later than: Try to finish the work by next week.
4. birden çok birim: cheaper by the dozen; sold by weight
5. vasıtasıyla: travel by plane; written by him
1. ilgili: He learnt everything concerning whales.
1. e rağmen: We walked downtown despite the rain.
1. Aşağı: The ball rolled down the hill.
2. Aşağıda: He lives down the street.
1. Boyunca (dönem): She works during the day.
2. Boyunca (dönem): An accident occurred during the night.
1. dışında, den başka: I have visited everyone except him.
1. Süre (zaman): We walked for two hours.
2. Mesafe: I walked for five kilometers.
3. Amaç: I bought this jacket for you.
4. Yönelim: She left for New York.
5. Lehinde: We are for the proposal.
6. göz önüne alma: The boy is clever for his age.
1. -den (koken): We left from Boston; he comes from Mexico
2. Başlangıç (zaman): from now on; from yesterday until today
3. Başlangıç (dizi): From 20 to 30 people were present.
4. Neden: He suffers from nervousness.
5. kaynak: I first heard the story from you.
1. İçinde (alan): in London; in Europe
2. İçinde (yer): in the room; in the building
3. İçinde (zaman dilimi): That happened in March, in 1992.
4. İçinde (belli bir zaman): I will return in an hour.
5. ile, kullanarak: write in pencil; speak in English
6. Durum: in doubt; in a hurry; in secret
7. de, da (gruba ait): He is in the orchestra; in the navy
8. İçinde (giyim): the woman in the blue skirt (mavi etekli kadın)
9. açısından: lacking in ideas; rich in oil
1. İçinde: They are inside the house.
1. İçe doğru (hareket: We stepped into the room.
2. -e, -a (değişim): The frog changed into a prince.
1. Benzeyen: That looks like him.
2. Olası: It looks like rain.
1. Çıkarma: Three minus two equals one.
br> 1. Yakın: near the school; near the ocean
1. -in, ın (yer): east of here; the middle of the road
2. -in, -ın (aidiyet,sahiplik): a friend of mine; the sound of music
3. üyesi (takım, küme): one of us; a member of the team
4. Birim: a cup of milk; two meters of snow
1. uzak, uzağında: Please keep off the grass.
2. Biraz ötesinde (mesafe): There are islands off the coast.
1. Üstünde (yüzeye dokunur): on the table; on the wall
2. belli zaman: That happened on Sunday, on the 6th of June.
3. Belli yer: on South Street
4. Hakkında: a book on engineering
5. Durum: on strike; on fire; on holiday
6. ile, aracılığıyla: live on a pension; shown on television
1. yukarı doğru: The child climbed onto the table.
1. karşı karşıya: The library is opposite the fire station.
 Out of
1. Dışına: She went out of the room.
2. Bir kısmı: We won two games out of three.
3. Motive: We spoke to them out of politeness.
4. Madde: The bridge is made out of steel.
5. -siz, -sız, dışında: out of control; out of danger
1. dışında (yer): outside the house
2. ötesinde (limit): outside my experience
1. üzerinde (dokunma yok): There are cupboards over the sink.
2. Üzerine (kaplama): We spread an extra blanket over the bed.
3. üzerinden: I jumped over a puddle.
4. fazla: It cost over ten dollars; it took over an hour
5. Boyunca: I saw him several times over the past week.
6. Aracılığıyla: We made plans over the telephone.
1. geçene kadar: I walked past the house.
2. Sonra (zaman): It was past 2 o’clock; half past two
3. geçmiş: past belief
1. her bir: 60 kilometers per hour; price per liter
1. ekleme: Six plus four equals ten.
1. -den beri (zaman): I had been waiting since two o’clock.
1. Baştan başa; baştan sona, içinden: the main road through town
2. Bütün: I slept through the night.
3. Aracılığıyla: Skill improves through practice.
1. Her yerinde: throughout the world
2. bütün, bütünüyle: throughout the winter
1. -e, a, (Yön, yönelim): Turn to the right.
2. -e, -a, (hedef): I am going to Rome.
3. -e, -a (karşılaştırma): They prefer hockey to soccer.
 Toward (or Towards)
1. -e doğru (yer): We walked toward the center of town.
2. -e doğru (zaman): It rained towards evening.
1. Altında (konum): under the desk; under the trees
2. Altında (Azlık): Under 100 people were present.
3. Altında (koşul): under repair; under way; under discussion
1. Altında: underneath the carpet
1. -e kadar: She will stay until Friday; until 5 p.m.
1. Yukarı (yer): We went up the stairs.
2. yakarda (yer): She lives up the hill.
 Up to
1. Kadar: up to now; I have read up to page 100.
2. -e bağlı: The decision is up to you.
3. Uygun: His work is up to standard.
1. Karşı (spor): The next game is England versus Australia.
1. Üzerinden: He went to Los Angeles via San Francisco.
1. ile (Birlikte): He came with her; I have my keys with me.
2. ile (içinde, barındıran, kapsayan): Here is a book with a map of the island.
3. Aracılığıyla, kullanarak: I repaired the shoes with glue.
4. ile (tarz): with pleasure; with ease; with difficulty
5. Çünkü: We were paralyzed with fear.
1. İçinde: within twenty minutes; within one kilometer
1. -siz, -sız: Do not leave without your coat; without Money
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Ekleyen: Berke


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